Want to stop obsessing over food & gain freedom forever?


We have to talk about something. It's super important. 

Because I struggled with emotional eating for almost 30 years and I wish I had known this sooner. 


I know this might be frustrating to hear since if you’re anything like me you’ve probably spent decades of your life joining weight loss groups, counting calories, and feeling completely out of control if you don’t measure and monitor every bite that goes into your mouth.

I get it. This was me too.

Until I discovered a new way of thinking….

Just imagine waking up in the morning and feeling a sense of peace from within.

No more being food obsession, stress eating, & overthinking about your body-image. 

So many people spend decades feeling stressed to the max, possessed with sugar cravings, disappointed in themselves for not having will power, & disgusted with themselves for letting it get “this bad”. 

So, they go on diet after diet spending thousands of dollars on surface level solutions feeling frustrated and scared about how quickly the years are passing by with no solution in sight.

Yes, I know how this feels because I have been there too. 

And I don’t know about you, but I don’t have millions of dollars to waste. But there I was year after year pouring all of my energy into anything that promised me control. 

It was maddening because I knew better, so why couldn’t I do better?

Ok! Here’s the deal, my name is Coach Lisa Callahan. I’m a recovered emotional eater, turned motivational mindset coach after I ended decades of struggle with binge eating, constant dieting, food obsession, feeling completely out of control.

I know it may seem impossible to believe that emotional eating is fixable, but I am living proof that it is and so are the hundreds of women who I have helped heal through my Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System. 

Allow me to introduce you to the SOLUTION to end emotional eating forever.

This System is going to make your life so much easier..

And make your mind feel relaxed & motivated at the same time... 

  • And it’s gonna save you boat loads of money…

  • And it’s gonna bring you inner peace and joy…

  • And you’ll stop stuffing down your emotions with food.

  • And you’ll be nicer & have a better relationship with yourself.

  • And you’ll get amazing results all while learning how to stop self-sabotaging.

  • And you’ll be able to feel confident & comfortable in your own skin

You will simply be in AWE just like all of my other self-discovery students. You’ll have a fan club, cheerleaders to support you, other women who share your similar story, and the best part is, you don’t have to know how to do anything! 

All you have to do is to learn how to fix emotional eating from the roots and the rest will be taken care of for you.

Here’s the deal.

Crush That Food Thing Self-Discovery System is a unique opportunity to lose weight from the inside out.

Once you learn how to get the weight of the world off your shoulders you’ll feel lighter, energized, motivated, and prepared for whatever difficulties life brings your way.

Instead of using food to stuff down your feelings, you’ll be taught how to feel your feelings in a safe and meaningful way.

We understand that you are a sensitive person, that you care deeply about your family and friends, and that you are a giver, not a taker.

Yet, we also know that there has to be a little space for yourself to take a breath for yourself. A time for you to put on your own oxygen mask, someone to look out for your best interest.

We know that you are doing your best and that you are getting tired. Tired of feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, sad, lonely, bored, and life is just passing you by.

🤯 Feeling Frustrated & Overwhelmed? 🤯 

I get it! I used to wish I could just zipper my mouth shut!! 🤐

So, before continuing, let me give you my quick back story.

It’s important.

I started obsessing with food and my body image when I was around 14 years old. 

Teen magazine, Slim Fast commercials, diet products all over the shelves in the stores. Being called stocky, husky, big boned, & thick as a kid didn’t help my teen desire to be skinny, sexy, & invisible all at the same time.

I was insecure with my self-image, lacked confidence in myself, and wished my than anything in the world that I could be anyone but ME.

As I came into my young adulthood, someone introduced me to aerobics and I got hooked on health & fitness.

So, at 19 years old, I became a personal fitness trainer and suddenly I thought I knew everything there was to know about exercise & nutrition.

I coached people on proper nutrition, put clients on diet and exercise plans, measured, monitored, and journaled every single morsel of food that I put into my mouth…

Except for when I was behind closed doors.

Behind closed doors, I was completely out of control. I couldn’t stop eating. Cookies, ice cream, chips, & those darn crunchy cheese doodle things!

Since I was a personal trainer and I also developed an obsession with exercise, no one knew my secret. 

The whole thing was painfully exhausting and it went on for decades..

I remember this one time I decided that I was only going to have 1 cookie. So, I carefully planned it out.

I watched my hand reach for the cookie, I thought “It’s no big deal, I’ll just have one”.

(BTW- This is how most of my binges started), 

But, this time felt different. I really wanted to only eat one so I was paying close attention to myself.

As soon as the cookie hit my lips I knew that I was in trouble. A thought went off in my head, “I’ll just have one more”.

(BTW- This is how every binge went)

So, I reached for another. And another. And another, And another…  CRAP!!! “I’m out of control”, I thought!!

“Quick!! Run to the garbage can” 

(I ran to the outside garbage can because I was afraid if I put the cookies in the inside garbage can that I would take them back out).

As I ran, I continued shoveling cookies into my mouth. I didn’t make it. As I looked at the empty box of 24 cookies in my hand. I got really scared.

“What the heck just happened??” I thought. I mean, I had been binge eating for decades, but this time I was really trying to only eat 1. I was paying attention. I was making an effort. 

Why couldn't I stop eating them? What’s wrong with me?

Can you relate?🤔

I felt sick, disgusted, angry, sad, ashamed, guilty, regretful, disconnected, and painfully exposed. I mean I know better! I’m a fitness & nutrition coach for crying out loud. 

How can I keep allowing this to happen?

And what happened next will blow your mind.

Now right around this same time, I had been taking some courses in self-discovery. 

In case you don’t know, self-discovery is a way to become curious about your life story so that you can learn new things about yourself. 

Instead of feeling helpless to deal with things that happen in your life, self-discovery teaches you how to feel confident, empowered, and always feel like you’re in charge of the outcomes that you want.

So, using my self-discovery tools, I asked myself some questions about my latest binge and for the first time in my life I felt like I got a different answer than I usually did.

➡️  Instead of immediately mentally beating myself up, I told myself that it was ok and that I was going to figure out a new way to think about this.

➡️ Instead of telling myself that I just needed to get back on the track, I told myself that there is no track and that I was going to figure out a new way to think about this.

➡️ Instead of thinking about my weight and how I better starve myself for the next 3 days, I told myself to stop thinking about my weight and that I was going to figure out a new way to think about this.

➡️ Instead of judging myself for being “bad”, I told myself that I didn’t have to be so mean to myself. I was going to figure out a new way to think about this.

➡️ Instead of thinking that I was stuck, I told myself that I had the freedom to stay stuck or that I had the freedom to change. Either way, it was up to me. I was going to figure out a new way of thinking about this.

I decided that food is not as important as I thought it was and that I was more important than food.

I realized that if I could have a better relationship with myself, I would naturally want to have a better relationship with food.


So, I stopped obsessing about food and I started intentionally obsessing about myself and my well-being.

⏩ I started to elevate myself instead of put myself down.

⏩ I started to set realistic goals instead of having painfully high expectations of myself.  

⏩ I started to learn how to say no to things that interfered with my inner peace. 

⏩ I started to pay attention to my value and worth and stopped people-pleasing.

⏩ I started to understand myself and learned to love myself and treat myself as I would a friend.

That’s it. This is what I teach hundreds of students throughout the world.

And, guess what. I learned how to do all of this through taking my own journey of self-discovery, because it would be really hard to teach you how to do this if I didn’t already do it myself.

You see, I am just like you. 

⏩I know what it’s like to struggle.

⏩I know what it’s like to feel out of control & trapped by your habits.

⏩I know what it’s like to not trust yourself around food.

⏩I know what it’s like to wake up disappointed, guilty, regretful, and feel exhausted every day.

Which is why I created the Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System.

Figuring out how to end decades of struggle with emotional eating was hard since I had no one to guide me, I didn’t have a step-by-step system, & I didn’t have a team of coaches, mentors, and peer pals to cheer me on.

I was alone in my journey, but I knew that I had to learn how to stop binge eating because this habit was going to kill me if I kept it going.

I knew that eventually I would get high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, hormonal issues, & that I would continue to feel lost, helpless, and miserable in my own skin.

It was time to fix the problem from the roots, and once I did that, I simply had to share this amazing, unique method with the WORLD!!

Trust me when I say that waking up in the morning feeling:

🥰Fresh to start a new day without carrying over all the bad feelings from the day before.

🥰Awake and alert without brain fog, exhaustion, or intense fear from feeling out of control.

🥰Excited to get things checked off your to-do list without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted.

🥰Motivated, purposeful, connected, happy, & peacefully content with your image in the mirror.

You will finally know what it’s like to love yourself from the inside out because you will no longer be using food to make yourself feel horrible, less than, or insecure.

What a GIFT you will be giving to yourself when you learn how to CRUSH YOUR ‘FOOD THING’ for good!!

It’s time for you to join the Crush that Food Thing Movement because once you learn how to put on your own oxygen mast first, you will no longer want to use food to relieve stress. You will no longer feel like food is a friend, you will no longer rely on food as a crutch.

Discover what makes food taste so good when you feel emotional, stressed, or overwhelmed, and identify which old feelings you need to heal so that you can stop using food to self soothe. Say goodbye to quick weight loss fixes and hello to a FIXING problem forever so that you can start a whole new life for yourself. 


Just like my students: 

"Until I discovered that I didn’t have to feel obsessed with thoughts about food I didn’t know how good life could be." ~ Kelly B.

I spent decades of my life living in fear, worrying about what other people thought of me, and feeling desperate to please everyone.

I was running on fumes when a friend of mine suggested I took a class called “The Freedom to Be”. It was my first self-discovery class.

Now up until this point I had never taken a class like this before so I really didn’t know what to expect.

Sure I had gone to therapy over the years but all we did there was talk about my past and I was tired of talking about my past.

I will never forget what I learned on that first day of class because it changed my life forever and I hope that it helps change yours too.

Check out the first thing I learned that ultimately helped me start to fix my emotional eating habits forever!

If you’re starting to feel a bit of hope, I want you to think about that as a little golden seed being planted inside of your mindset urging you to take this seriously and FIX THIS PROBLEM NOW.

Read More….

Let me introduce you to the Last Program you will ever have to buy to lose weight again…

When I first heard of self-discovery I didn’t know anything about how it works.

I was already 45 years old and I was positive that I knew everything that I knew everything that there was to know about myself. I could not imagine anything ever being any different.

Plus, I had this idea in my head that change was scary. 

So, I kept my world small and I focused my attention on what I could control. 

Back then I was at the height of my emotional eating, I was so hyper focused on food, stress, and drama I could hardly see straight.

And because I had been dieting for so many years I never considered the problem could be deeper than me controlling my eating habits. 

Feeling curious yet? Ask yourself these three important questions:

  1. How many diets have you tried?

  2. How many times have you lost weight and put it right back on?

  3. How much money have you spent on trying to lose weight?

Check out what my student Robin has to say about how wrong she was to keep going on diet after diet:


Ask yourself:

How many years have you been trying to fix emotional eating by going on a diet?

How many diet & self-helps books do you have in your book( graveyard) shelf?

How many programs have you bought that you have never personally met the coach?

How many days of your life have you spent wasting your time tracking your calories?

How many times have you started with the same personal trainer or nutritionist?

How many years have you been a lifetime member of weight watchers or Slimming World?

How many decades have you been stuck in this insane cycle? 😩

It is insane, you know? To do the same thing over and over yet expect different results. Simply insane.

So, instead of investing more time, money, and energy into the problem, why not embrace a NEW, unique, innovative, natural, holistic approach to weight loss by gaining a new perspective on life itself.

Weight is a symptom of an underlying problem. 

So, if you never address the root cause of the problem you will always have a problem with your weight.

THERE…. I said it.

I’m not the type of coach who is going to waste your time teaching you everything you already know.

My proven system does not include any of the B-O-R-I-N-G things that you have done in the past.

This means:

🛑No weigh in’s

🛑No food journal

🛑No measurements

🛑No calorie counting

🛑No more fake food

🛑No more learning about nutrition (you already know what to eat)

🛑No more suggestions to use a small plate

🛑No more having to go to the store to buy special foods

🛑No more spending money of supplements to curb your appetite

Crush that Food Thing Self Discovery System is a permanent solution.

So, we do not talk about food AT ALL because all that nutrition information is constantly changing and it always makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong.

Instead, I will teach you how to listen to your own intuition about what to eat, & when you are hungry.

You do not need a diet to tell you what to eat. You are already smart & quite capable of being about to know what is best for you.

When you constantly focus on losing weight you will forget that you can trust yourself.

You will start to tell yourself things like:

❌I can’t be trusted around food.

❌If I don’t stay on a diet, I will be out of control.

❌I gain weight if I just look at food.

And then…. You will get sucked into: 

❌ Buying products to lose weight that you can never go off of.

❌ Always feel resentment because you just can’t eat like a ‘normal person’.

❌Feeling like you have to avoid social situations because you can’t trust yourself.

❌Signing up for lifetime weight loss groups & following dozens of different coaches.

❌Keeping a food log forever which is a big waste of your time and energy.

All of the things on this list are emotionally exhausting, so if you like to feel unnecessarily busy you can keep doing what you’re doing and hope it works even though you know that it never has.

OR, you can take the time to figure out the root cause of the problem with a proven system which was designed to give you your freedom back.

Just like my student Sasha who has lost 70 lbs. & become a marathon runner!!

Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System is a proven method to stop emotional eating for good. Through our step-by-step blueprint, and our team of loving and supportive certified coaches, we will take you through the process of transforming your relationship with yourself first so that you can transform your relationship with food forever!

Here was my students have to say about the Food Freedom call:

What to expect after your Food Freedom call:

Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System is for everyone. 

It doesn't matter who old you are, how long you have been struggling, how much weight you want to lose, or how ‘far gone’ you think you are. Anyone can change as long as they know how.

Which is what I want to teach you. I want to teach you that you can change if you want to and if you know how.  That’s why my Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System is so easy to follow along with.

It’s broken down into 5 separate step by step sections and we walk you through what to do with out support system & expert coaching team.

My mission is simple. 

I want to show you how strong you are, empower you to change old habits by embracing a new way of thinking, inspire you to stop telling yourself you’re a sugar addict, & motivate you to take your power away from food so that you can apply it to yourself and your healing journey..

My team of sensitive & caring guides will gently show you what it means to trust yourself, love yourself, and take care of yourself just like you would a friend. 

Upon signing up you will gain:

Immediate Lifetime Access to our Crush that Food Thing Learning HUB - This is your blueprint where you will learn how to:

  1. Stop thinking about food all the time. In the first few weeks, you will learn how to shift your thoughts away from food so that you can start to think about fixing the root cause of the problem without food invading every thought.

  2. Make sense of your emotional cravings for high sugary food & night time numbing. Within one month, you’ll start to understand how much energy you waste worrying about things that you can’t change, feeling overwhelmed and annoyed with all that's going on around you, and how to focus your energy on calming yourself down with something other than food.

  3. Discover what you’re really craving. In the second month of your journey you’ll start to get curious about your cravings and learn how to separate yourself from the thought that food has control over you. By this time, you will start to see things differently and you will no longer feel like you are stuck in an all or nothing mindset

  4. Build a trusting relationship with yourself. Months 3-6 are all about learning how to be kind to yourself.

This uniquely structured course will give you a complete comprehensive roadmap to follow so that you don’t have to play any more guessing games. You will have a solid foundation to follow and you will know exactly what step to take next.

  • Accountabiltiy & Peer support - Our Facebook community is where our students all hang out to gather insights, share wins, and cheer each other on. This is a safe and judgment free environment where you will quickly feel at home. Every day you will wake up to a new motivational tip to lift you up and add value to your life.

  • Individual & Group Coaching - We have 2 opportunities each week to get your questions answered on a live coaching call with Coach Lisa.

  • Weekly Group Learning Lesson - Each week you will have an opportunity to participate in one lesson of the week from our learning HUB. We do this lesson together so that you can feel part of a team! Emotional eating is not something you can fix by yourself. Join our team of experts so that we can show you the way to food freedom!

  • Strategy Coach & Peer Pal - You will be assigned a strategy coach and a Peer Pal to connect with for the entire length of your stay in our coaching community.These coaches will be there to hold you accountable & will be reaching out to you weekly via private on messenger.

  • 1:1 Coaching - All coaching packages include private coaching with Coach Lisa on messenger. Additional coaching calls can be added as an upgrade at anytime. We are here to support you every step of the way.

This is for you if:

  • You are looking for a unique, innovative, natural, holistic approach to understanding the root cause of your problems with food and lose weight without having to go on a diet, take pills, injections, or have surgery.

  • You want to start to heal from past experiences without having to go to expensive therapy or treatment & want to connect with a group who 'get's' your struggles.

  • You want accountability that does not include tracking your foods, weigh ins, elimination of food groups, or having to purchase expensive supplements.

  • You want to work with a team of experts who have all been in your shoes and who truly understand what you are going through.

  • You are willing to take power away from food and put it back into your own hands, learn how to experience a sense of self awareness, challenge yourself to heal old patterns and habits & learn how to how to set boundaries so you no longer feels drained, then I highly recommend you sign up for Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System right now!

This is NOT for you if:

  • You want to keep going on diets and spending money on band-aid solutions.

  • You want to keep doing the same things that you have done in the past even though you know those things never work long term.

  • You do not want to change because you are afraid of change.

  • You do not want to challenge yourself to learn a new way to think.

  • You do not want to experience what it’s like to be in a loving and caring group full of amazing women who are all working on self-care

  • You want to keep struggling to understand why you can’t seem to stop overeating.

  • Your current priorities are only centered around losing weight or dieting.

  • You do not want to discover and fix the root cause of your emotional eating habits forever then Crush that Food Thing Self Discovery System is not for you.


Included in your membership, you will gain access to:

  1. The Confidence Mastery Mini Course

  2. The Love YourSELF Mini Retreat with special BONUS Meditation

  3. Take 5 Steps AWAY from Overwhelm Challenge.

Plus, 3 Special BONUS Trainings:

  1. How to Stop Emotional Overeating and Lose Weight with Shara, our Master Intuitive

  2. How to Stop Emotional Eating with Rose, our hypnotherapist

  3. How to Release Old Emotional Energy with Amy, our meditative Guru & Trauma Specialist

Do you want a little sneak peek into the first day?

Check it out right over here.

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join The CTFT Today!

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results. We have a different methodology to offer you if you are willing to admit that your way is just not working for you.

Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is my way working? If not, why not?

  2. Do I enjoy being on a diet and having to focus every last brain cell in my head on food?

  3. What could be different about my life if I was different?

  4. How will I learn anything new in my life if I am only willing to think about my past?

  5. What will happen if I don’t get help to change?

Remember, here’s what you will get when you work with me.

  • Lifetime access to 50+ unique self-discovery lessons to empower your mindset.

  • Lifetime access to 50+ easy to understand & relatable workbook tools.

  • A small support group of with like-minded women. (We cap this group so that we can maintain the integrity of our support)

  • A judgment-free zone (where else can you find that??)

  • A safe place to grow & learn as you heal emotional eating from the roots.

  • Daily motivation & inspirational post from our Facebook community.

  • A personal Strategy Coach to guide you individually.

  • A personal peer pal who will reach out to you weekly to cheer you on.

  • A safe place to ask questions when you feel stuck. (no question is silly here!)

  • A unique, innovative, holistic, natural way to lose weight. (once you gain a new perspective on life itself, weight loss comes naturallly.)

  • An exciting new adventure so that you can stop eating out of boredom.

  • 3 coaching calls per week to connect or watch on demand.

  • A roadmap to forgiveness so that you can feel peace from within,

  • Love, support, understanding, & connection with people who have already fix their emotional eating habits.

  • Real people to rely on and ask questions to, not just a program. You will get to build a relationship with others who have already fixed their emotional eating habits for good.

  • An opportunity to become the confident person you have always wanted to be.

  • Opportunity to break old eating patterns & habits by learning a new way of thinking about food.

  • Inspiration to stop being stuck so that you can turn the page and begin a new chapter of your life.

    Aren't you tired of being stuck?? If so, click the green button below and book a Food Freedom Strategy Call to find out if Crush that Food Thing is the right fit for you.

Here’s What Clients Have to Say About Working with Me as a Coach...

Got Questions?

  • How do I know if I am an emotional eater?

    Many people think that being an emotional eater means you only eat when you are stressed out, sad, lonely, angry, bored, or emotional.

    This explanation only covers a small portion of what emotional eating truly means. The best way to know if you are an emotional eater is to ask yourself how many times you tell yourself you are not going to eat something, only to break that promise to yourself.

    If you are making and breaking promises to yourself and it involves food, you are an emotional eater. You will also know that you are an emotional eater if you have been dieting or feel like you’ve been struggling with your weight or food for over 5 years.

  • What is Mindset Coaching & how is it different from a diet approach?

    Every person can only know as much as they know at any given moment. If you think that emotional eating is fixable by going on a diet. You have the wrong idea.

    But, the diet industry does not want you to know this. They want you to stay stuck forever. That's what keeps them in business. I want you to fix the problem and move forward with your life.

    With a Mindset approach, we focus on WHY you have a problem with food to begin with. Then we fix that.

    Weight is a symptom of an underlying problem. Once we discover and fix the underlying problem, the weight will simply come off naturally & permanently.

  • What qualifies you to coach women struggling with emotional eating?

    I am my first client. What qualifies me to help you is my decades of education as personal trainer & health coach, and my personal experience with fixing my emotional eating habits through my unique, innovative, natural, & holistic self-discovery system.

  • What systems do you have to help me if I am on a limited budget?

    Free Support - For the past 5 years I have been the leader of the Women’s Emotional Eating Community Support Group where we offer free monthly classes around personal awareness, mindset, habits, healing trauma, and motivational content for women to have a safe, judgment free place to gain access to free content.

    Short Challenge - Taking a short challenge is always awesome for helping women get a boost of motivational energy. Our 21-Day Mindset Makeover is a perfect way to start with a “bite-sized” entry into self-discovery. Click here to discover more about the Mindset Makeover & take 21 days to learn how to Stop Eating your Emotions.

    Coaching Transformation - Our Signature program Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System offers you everything you can imagine being included in a “white glove” concierge package.

    Joining our coaching community means saying hello to the strong, confident and independent you that is waiting just on the other side of this 'food thing'.

    We have options for everyone and even have scholarships for people who qualify for financial aid.

    Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System has already changed hundreds of lives and we can help change your life too. Apply HERE.

  • Are your coaching sessions conducted in person or online?

    Working with Coach Lisa or any Crush that Food Thing Team member is an entirely virtual experience. All lessons, coaching, and communication can be done from the comfort of your own home Turn off the news, and Netflix so you can come join US!!

  • How do I know if mindset coaching is right for me?

    Mindset coaching is an opportunity for everyone. There are no limitations of any kind. Majority of students range from 45-70 years old. We will teach everything that you can ever imagine about how to break free.

  • Can I book a consultation or trial session before committing to a program?

    Absolutely! We offer FREE consultations that will help you to connect with a qualified Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery Team member. This call is no obligation, and no pressure. It is simply an opportunity to talk with a specialist and strategize what you would like your next year to look like. Book your Food Freedom Strategy Call Here.

  • How long is Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System?

    Crush That Food Thing Self-Discovery System is a intended to be a 1 year long transformational coaching journey, however, we offer options to suit everyone no matter how long you stay in our system you will get the support that you deserve.

  • Can I join Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System without being a part of the coaching community?

    No. Coaching and connection is an important part of  your self-discovery journey. For a DYI course, sign up for the Mindset Makeover.

  • What if I don’t want to be a part of group coaching, can I have 1:1 private coaching instead?

    Yes, there are packages that can accommodate 1:1 coaching.

  • Is Crush that Food Thing Self-Discovery System Guaranteed?

    Yes. It is guaranteed that if you show up for yourself, ask questions, do the work that we recommend, and allow yourself to be coached you will Crush your Food Thing. However, we can not guarantee how long this will take. This is not a quick fix solution (which I hope you don't want since that's not really working) Your results will be a direct reflection of your efforts. We will help you every step of the way. That is a guarantee!

  • What happens after I am a Crush that Food Thing Graduate?

    Upon graduating as a CTFT member, you will be welcome to stay in the community as an alumni member or through our volunteer opportunities. About 75% of our members remain with us to support our new incoming students. Crush that Food Thing is a very fun place to hang out! Trust me, you won't want to leave once you get to know us. 🥰

  • Do I have to know anything about self-discovery to get started?

    No, you do not have to have any prior knowledge of self-discovery to start working for us. Our learning HUB is a step-by-step system that will teach you everything there is to know about transforming your mindset away from food and towards freedom.

  • What if I am afraid to explore my past? Will self discovery work for me if I do not want to talk about my childhood?

    Absolutely! What is so cool about self discovery is that we focus on your future self, not your past self.

  • How do you know self-discovery will change my mindset around my eating habits?

    Self-discovery will work if you allow yourself to get curious about your thoughts and how they might be keeping you from moving forward in your life. The only thing required to change your mind is your willingness to change your mind. Change only drags on if you are unwilling to do anything different to change.

  • What If I am scared to be coached in a group?

    Not a problem at all. We have a team of qualified coaches to help assist you in a more private setting. There are small group options, private coaching sessions, and you will even get your own strategy coach, & member advisor as soon as you enroll. We are a “white glove” concierge coaching community. We will accommodate all of your needs individually as well as in a group environment.

  • What if I start off in the group coaching and then I want to upgrade to 1:1 private sessions?

    No problem at all. We will add private coaching ala carte. All you have to do is let your member advisor know and we will get it set up.

  • What if I can’t afford coaching?

    We have a saying in CTFT, “what will it cost you to stay stuck?” I spend over $69,000 superficially trying to fix a deep rooted problem. Ask yourself how much you have invested in weight loss supplements and how much time you have wasted in your life thinking about food. If you are serious about fixing this problem then you can not afford to waste one more second of your life. We have flexible program options, and super low cost financing. We work with women on fixed incomes, disability, and have even had a few members who started off with us while living in a shelter for women. We are here to support you, yet we can not do it without you. Let’s have a conversation so that we can see where you’re at and make decisions from there. Book a Call Here

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Check it out right over here.

Copyright © 2024 Coach Lisa Callahan | All Rights Reserved

The Results Stated Above Are My Personal Results. Please Understand My Results Are Not Typical, I’m Not Implying You’ll Duplicate Them (Or Do Anything For That Matter). I Have The Benefit Of Having Gone Through Much Training, Trial, And Error For Years, And Have An Established Following And History As A Result. The Average Person Who Buys Any “How To” Information Gets Little To No Results. I’m Using These References For Example Purposes Only. Your Results Will Vary And Depend On Many Factors …Including But Not Limited To Your Background, Lifestyle, And Circumstances.

All Coaching Strategies Are Only Beneficial With Consistent Effort And Action. If You’re Not Willing To Accept That, Please DO NOT GET THIS TRAINING. By Submitting Your Email Address And Phone Number On This Website, You Are Authorizing Our Company To Send You Informational And Promotional Messages Via Email, Phone Calls, And Text Messages.

All Thoughts About Changing Your Mindset Are Available If You Are Willing To Want To Change.  ANY Programs, Courses or Workshops From Coach Lisa Callahan or Trilife Body Management LLC., Are Not A Guarantee That You Or Others Will Achieve The Same Results As Promoted In The Training.. Individual Results Will Always Vary And Yours Will Depend Entirely On Your Individual Mindset, Acceptance of Change, & Motivation & Diligence In Applying Any Training Into Your Lifestyle.

Coach Lisa Callahan/Trilife Body Management Programs Are Not Responsible For Your Actions. You Are Solely Responsible For Your Own Moves And Decisions And The Evaluation And Use Of Our Products And Services Should Be Based On Your Own Due Diligence. You Agree That Coach Lisa Callahan/ Trilife Body Management LLC Are Not Liable To You In Any Way For Your Results In Using Our Products And Services.